Category Archives: Research and planning

Reflecting on the responses from the ‘Horror Film’ questionnaire

I used survey monkey to help me produce an accurate response to a questionnaire made for the production and creation of my horror trailer…

1) I can see in the first question that the majority of people responded (70%) ‘an isolated place’ to this question, this has confirmed my decision to do it in a woods within Cornwall, because woods are typically an isolated place, the vast amounts of wood adds to the fear of the unknown, the audience may not know what could be lurking around. I have done some other research and seen that a lot of horror films are based around a wood and, for the ending of my horror trailer ‘Lucid’, it will be perfect to show Joshes vulnerability even more because the idea of a wood stigmatises loneliness and mysteriousness, along with the eerie atmosphere of the scary woods.

Wander down the path of no return into the deep, dark woods

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Here are 4 selected horror movies that are all based around a woods:

Cabin Fever (2002)


Cabin in the Woods (2012)


Evil Dead II (1982)

evil dead 11

Friday the 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter (1984)


2) Asking the age of the responder is very important research as I will need to know main age group that responded to my questionnaire, to therefore base my horror trailer on that age. As you can see, the majority of people that responded were from the ages of 18-20, therefore there responses are whom I will be taking into account more however, that is not to say that I won’t include the other ages and their responses too.

My target audience for Lucid is from 18-30, therefore all responses are valid

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3&4) Lucid is going to be a psychological horror trailer, this response has again finalised my original plan for Lucid involve a psychological aspect to it. It is important, for me to involve a good story line in a horror film, because from researching a lot of horror films and trailers, i’ve seen that in some movies there isn’t a very strong story line at all. It just been a case of ‘scare the watcher as much as you can with lots of blood and gore’. I do no want to do that. Sprucing up the movie trailer with a bit of psychology adds to the relevant and realistic feel to the movie thus making the audience more scared.

How does this relate to Lucid?
This will relate to Lucid because Josh’s psychotic changes will be very prevalent in the trailer, and as i’ve said before, sound motif of the bell will signify his psychotic change. The bell as said in this post:, will remind the audience that horror/nightmare can happen in every day life, this in turn makes it more realistic thus scarier.

This also helped me for the creation of my poster, so researching other psychological horror posters will help inspire me when making the final draft of mine.

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Psychological horror films (click on the image to enlarge):
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5) When doing my research about the psychology of fear,( I originally thought that what scared people was just the fear of the unknown, however, when creating this questionnaire for people to fill out, I has helped me a lot to get an in depth response on what a snippet of society can really scares them. I will definitely use this to help me create my horror trailer. I will make sure that the soundtrack of my horror trailer is dark and emphasizes the horror within my trailer as it will make the trailer more scary and atmospheric. Also, a few people responded that ‘real life situations’ are brought to your attention, as response was a common one, I will make sure that I work with the character of Josh to create a very realistic response of being psychotic. The location will help with this too, as someone responded ‘The dark’ therefore I could shoot a few of the shots in the dark in the woods to increase the scare factor of my trailer.

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6) 90% of the responses that I received all said that ‘Lucid’ is a good name for a horror trailer, and here were the reasons why:

  • because it implies a dream which relates to nightmares, also the name is short and snappy which is really important for a horror film because you want to make sure as a creator, to lure people in immediately
  • it implies ‘loss of control’ however doesn’t give it all away
  • it leaves a little to the imagination.. “lucid”.. dreams?
  • It reminds me of Lucifer
  • because it sounds mysterious
  • It makes me think of liquid or water
  • has a dreamy effect
  • depending how you mean it
  • its mysterious sounding

Therefore this reinforces the responses I got when I first came up with my first ideas (this is in the post where my mind map is) I will be keeping the same name that I originally came up with.

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Q7) For my horror trailer, I know to use a real life situation, as my trailer is based on something that could happen in everyday life, I don’t think it will be a problem for me to fulfill this requirement.

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Responses that were received:

  • to have a little bit of the story line showed but not all of it, a simplistic idea of the movie
  • Jumpiness, and some basics on the story line, cliff hangers

  • to in scared to feel for the characters

  • to give a taste of what the fillms like without giving to much away

  • to show some of the scariest parts, as if daring me to watch it

  • that I know more about the actual story, than just the fact its scary, too many horror trailers focus on the mysteriousness and just trying to scary you,but a good horror film makes you interested in the back story too.

  • Action/tension/drama/atmosphere.

  • to be scared

  • A snippet of the type of scary film it will be

  • to be scared before i have even watched the film

Therefore I will make sure too..

  1. To not reveal all of what the story entails, through the editing of the clips used
  2. Make it simple and understanding, so that everyone from my target audience can be lured in
  3. Show Josh’s vulnerability (see characters discussions post)
  4. To build the tension up by using the sound motif of the bell and an atmospheric soundtrack
  5. To use the location as much as possible in my favour to make Josh look vulnerable and increase the scare factor of my trailer.

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Q9) Here I can gage that mostly everyone enjoys watching scary movies which is important as I will need as many people to watch my trailer as possible for them to then watch the film

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Character discussion with male lead…

I will be asking Jack:

  • How will you get into the character of ‘Josh’?
  • How will he convey Josh’s vulnerability when he acts out his psychosis?
  • How will he also convey the changes in personality?
  • How do you think you could use past experience and apply it to the character as ‘Josh’?

Here is the response that I got from Jack himself…

Foreshadowing in my trailer…

Thinks to consider…

  • Foreshadows for the audience to pick up onThe twist to be used:
  • When Joshes psychosis is revealed when an alarm goes off, this will happen a few times in the trailer to show the audience Joshes contrasting personality’s, the alarm sound also represents Josh perhaps slowly drifting/waking up from a dream. The audience will not know whether his psychosis is real, this reflects the lucid element of my trailer. When he does change, the more the psychotic scenes there will be, this will make the trailer become more and more realistic.
  • The trailer will take you through the issues that Josh goes through, right until the end, the audience will see Josh fearing and running away from something, he will then see himself sat on the floor, the camera shows him with blood on his hands and face (read here for the scene board)
    Sound Motif
  • The alarm clock will be used as a non-diegetic sound in my trailer.
  • The alarm clock is used in every day life, the sound of it is heard by everyone therefore the use of such relative and present noises in my trailer will increase the atmospheric element.
  • To show that Josh has completely changed by the end of the trailer the sound of the alarm clock will speed up and end with a bang and the credits will show.

The first paring of the beeps will be used to trigger his psychotic change…
Here’s a perfect example…

Symbols that will foreshadow in my trailer

  • As Josh’s psychosis is revealed slowly throughout the trailer, a symbol of a child toy is used throughout to represent Josh’s psychosis
  • As most films use patterns or specific objects as metaphors for a concept that the film is trying to convey. In my horror trailer I will use this to intensify the mood, identify character traits, emphasis themes and concepts (e.g. the good side of Josh and the evil side of Josh), and foreshadow the events in my trailer. Objects (the child’s toy) will be a powerful symbol that adds depth and meaning to my story.

This different patterns that are often used as metaphors for a concept of a film are:

1. Religious Symbols
2. Symbols of Death
3. Colors
4. Light
5. Weapons
6. Fabric
7. Keys/Locks
8. Doors and Windows
9. Labyrinths/Mazes

I will be specifically using,

1. Colour because: it represents the powers of good and evil and red is often associated with evil, blood, lust, and violence, and this is why Josh uses blood to splatter on the window of someones front door. Another example of a horror film that does this is Resident Evil in 2002. As black is naturally associated with evil I have made Jack (Josh) dress in all black to signify his evil intentions.

2. Doors and windows because: Doors and windows (or any portal) have many symbolic meanings. Often, they can help symbolize characterization. With windows, a person has a limited perspective and is like a spectator, not part of the outside world. The person looking through the window may be frightened of the world outside or physically unable to be part of it. In The Others, the mother is often by the window looking out, trapped in her home because of her children and a dense fog. At the end, she and her children stand by the window looking at a world they no longer belong to. On the other hand, a character can walk through a door and doors are symbolic of opportunity. In horror, however, doors and windows are typically a means of entrapment or freedom. I am also using  windows and doors because they are extremely good at creating and building tension. As I have used a window in one of my scenes it will be necessary to show the audience how scary Josh can be, as you can slightly see through the window, it will frighten the viewers even more as again its a fear of the unknown of not knowing whats lurking outside. In Night of the Living Dead, doors and windows are dangerous openings that the zombies can infiltrate, despite efforts to block them up. Some of the most frightening scenes are when zombie hands reach in through spaces between the wooden boards. Windows can also personify a haunted house as eyes, such as the always glowing, quarter-round windows in Amityville Horror.