First draft of my horror trailer: LUC▲D

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Expanded notes:

First draft

  • Scene 1:

This will start off as Josh is waiting at a bar to be poured a pint. The camera will focus on the barman pouring a pint. As the pint is being poured, the camera will be diffused, tracking backwards onto the back of Joshes head. As the audience still haven’t seen his face at this point, it gives the watcher something to look forward too. This immediately gives Josh a sense of mystery. Without seeing his face, it optimises the ambience of Josh and his character even further. This will subconsciously make the character more dark, and as a result his presence becomes more prevalent.

Further on into the scene, the camera moves to Joshes friends, at this moment in time there could potentially be a quick portfolio describing all his mates, (this is not definite), this will include a comedic part of the film, increasing the unexpected horror about to happen. This will add to the tension that’s about to unfold. Afterwards, with or without the character portfolios, the camera will concentrate on Josh downing his drink, however, only showing his lips. This could perhaps be in slow motion to show the effect of beer dripping down his face.

He then walks out of the pub, the camera using a pan effect (following him) out the door. As he opens the door to leave, a distinctive ‘bell’ sound will signal his exit, this will become more and more symbolic throughout the trailer…

  • Scene 2

As Josh walks into his house, at this point, there will be crisp and fast noises, the camera will be in close up on the key lock, screening him struggling to get into his house. As he gets into the house he goes straight to his room. The sound of his footsteps up the stairs are also louder, his face still isn’t shown, just his feet. He barges into his room and slumps on his bed, you hear a “sigh”.

This whole scene will be more dark, the lighting will accentuate Joshes silhouette, still amplifying his omniscient presence and hidden identity. He hears a knock at his door, its his mum, she opens the door and asks Josh if hes ok. The camera pans towards Josh, but then the camera effect quickly changes to an extreme close up on Joshes eyes. As he says hes OK, his eyes droop, the camera holding onto his eyes, allowing the audience to see into them, experiencing his hidden pain. His eyes will be dark and purple highlighting the stress and secretes he may withhold. His eyes shut

  • Scene 3

Suddenly snippets of the extreme, trippy and crazy dream that Josh has, flashes of sudden appearances of Josh bugging out within this dream, these flashes will include changes from the dream to Joshes face. The camera effects will be glitchy. The soundtrack for the trailer will also be glitchy increases the tension and upheaval about to happen. 

  • Scene 4

Darkness appears in the camera after the intense dreaming episode, whilst the dream scene will be very surreal it will also be very realistic. As this ends, the camera will turn to black, and fade into pure whiteness, dissolving into the lamp light held above Joshes face. He realises that a doctor is shinning a light into his face… The doctor says “You are fine now, you are officially discharged”, you hear it breathless shudder, his confusion is shown in the camera, the scene glitches out again, the music explain this too increasing the atmospheric entity to the trailer, reaching the pinochle of the trailer; meeting the main character; Josh. 

The scene again goes white… as he opens his eyes (the camera in a hand held position) , the camera also showing Joshes perspective, looking into the white distance, Josh sees a slight black figure, he starts walking, shouting screaming at this silhouette  as he gets closer he exclaims ‘excuse me, excuse me!’, showing the watcher the confusion on his face

  • Scene 5

As Josh approaches what is seen as a person who is sat on the floor, cross legged, alone, rocking forwards and backwards. Josh taps the person on the shoulder, and as the person turns around, dramatically, a person who looks exactly like Josh turns around and stands up, this person finally reveals Josh’s identity, his hands covered in blood and his mouth covered in blood, the camera stays on his face for three seconds, the camera then turns black. 

One thought on “First draft of my horror trailer: LUC▲D

  1. […] the floor, the camera shows him with blood on his hands and face (read here for the scene board) Sound […]

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