Extended research for my poster

I typed into google images ‘paintings of schizophrenia’ and here is what came up:

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From this research I can see that most paintings/pictures show two faces,

The literal definition of schizophrenia is :

‘a psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought (as delusions), perception (as hallucinations), and behavior —called also dementia praecox
These paintings confirm the different personalities that someone can have with schizophrenia, the different faces highlight this even further, therefore…
In my production piece I have made sure that different pictures of Jack pulling different faces represent the alternative personalities that someone with schizophrenia has; therefore in my horror trailer, the different faces will represent the personalities that Josh has in the poster… All in all, showing the audiences the beginning of Josh’s schizophrenic journey that is about to be unraveled in LUCID.
By doing this I was able to add the different photos in photoshop, and layering them on top of one another. In order to show the different faces that he is pulling, the opacity is turned down for every single picture, to show the obscurity within a schizophrenic mind, I have used different filters and colours to represent this.

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