Construction of my horror poster… continued

To edit my poster i used the ‘Fx’ button

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The ‘R’ ‘G’ ‘B’ buttons were pressed so that the 3 different layers were made to be red green and blue

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Another layer was added ‘Layer 7’, a filter was put on top of the pictures named ‘render’ and a cloud effect was used

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Here is the effect:

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Another layer added

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This time a different filter used, ‘Pixelate’ and the effect ‘Crystallise’ was put on top

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Here is the effect:

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Another layer and another effect used to create a distorted ‘schizophrenic’ image

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this image made one of the faces as a layer distorted and circular, now at this point in the poster, every layer and face is different representing the idea of a ‘schizophrenic mind’

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Another filter used to add too the schizophrenic idea to the poster: ‘Liquify’

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This affect distored the face even more, the brush was decreased in size and certain elements of the face were changed
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As you can see the mouth has been widened and the eyes pulled closer together under the top layer:

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These were my other ideas, and to do this I used the invert button to change the colours to the opposite spectrum of the the original picture

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Finally I chose the origional image that I used, as the feedback I got on Facebook, the majority of people said that they liked my origional image the best: here is the link to the post: 

I have added my title to the poster of ‘Lucid’ by doing this I used ‘Da font’
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By doing this I added another layer ontop of the poster (and named it lucid)Screen Shot 2014-12-15 at 10.21.27

to sustain the trippy and schizophrenic look about my poster (as it reflects the idea of my film)  I duplicated the layer and changed the font, and with the other titles, I turned the opacity down.

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For every title name I used an effect called ‘outer glow’, this segregates the titles so that the audience can see the duplicated layers, this is important to me as it reinforces the idea of a ‘trippy’ look Screen Shot 2014-12-15 at 10.26.33

These are the different layers with the effect for an outer glow:Screen Shot 2014-12-15 at 10.27.54

Here is the overal effect

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One thought on “Construction of my horror poster… continued

  1. […] Please click on this link to show you my previous construction of my final version of my horror post… […]

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