Feedback for my Horror Poster

Here are my final posters…

In order to make sure the best poster was chosen I posted it onto my facebook page to ask for response

lucid 1

lucid 2

lucid 3

Here is the response:

facebook response lucid

feedback 2

feedback 3

feedback 4

Based from the feedback I have received online, everyone chose the original poster that I made. I also asked my teacher, and she said, the original one too because it shows different faces and personalities that Josh has, and the poster looks very tripy. This is a very important aspect of my poster because its based on how Josh’s nightmare becomes real.

2 thoughts on “Feedback for my Horror Poster

  1. […] Finally I chose the origional image that I used, as the feedback I got on Facebook, the majority of people said that they liked my origional image the best: here is the link to the post:  […]

  2. […] than my class mates, I also posted the different pictures on to Facebook, (as looking at my demographic research I saw that Facebook was the most ideal place to target my […]

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